The two winning artists –Yash and Deepa Sannidhi for the first time in ‘Jaanu…Meri Jaan’ Kannada film by Jayanna Combines – Jayanna and Bogendra is releasing in over 75 theatres on Friday. It is a mixture of Mysore and Hubli accent of Kannada in this film ‘Jaanu’ from the successful director Preetham Gubbi for the successful producers Jayanna and Bogendra. The ‘Mungaru Male’ story writer turned director from ‘Hage Summane’ Kannada cinema finding success from ‘Johny Mere Naam….Preethi Mere Kaam’ starring Vijay, Rangayana Raghu and Ramya for ‘Jaanu’ shot in 50 days in Mysore and other locations for the film. Preetham Gubbi has penned the story, screenplay and directs the film with S Krishna cinematography and V Harikrishna music direction. Deepu S Kumar is the editor, Ismail art direction, Harsha, Murali, Chinni Prakash are choreographers.Yash the rocking star head the cast. After ‘Lucky’ this is another breezy film for Yash with lucky heroine Deepa Sannidhi. It is a series of two wins for Deepa Sannidhi from ‘Sarathi and Paramathma’. Is she going to hit a hat trick one has to wait and watch. Rangayana Raghu, Shobaraj, Sangeetha, Madhu, Sadhu Kokila are in this ‘U’ certified film.