It is a silver jubilee for one of the finest works of Shanker Nag’s ‘Malgudi Days’ that was first telecast in Doordarshan based on RK Narayan and RK Lakshman master pieces. It is now available in Janasri TV in the news channel is very important. The 39 episodes of ‘Malgudi Days’ produced by Narasimhan will be in Hindi with Kannada subtitles. On Thursday afternoon Ananth Chinivar chief Editor of Janasri News stated that the news channel is proud to announce the telecast of legendaries work in ‘Malgudi Days’. In the last one and quarter year Janasri news channel has given a new outlook to the people without touching the crime and astrology. We were able to stand close to No.2 position in news channels in Karnataka. When Mareyalagadha television serials were telecast we thought of Malgudi Days the master pieces of Shanker Nag.