While people are facing the wrath of awakening fuelled by Aamir Khan with his show Satyamev Jayate, the actor is moving on to more such poignant issues. Last Sunday, he highlighted the apathy shown towards differently-abled people. He brought into attention the way such people are treated by people and Government as well
The latest episode didn’t project how such unfortunate people are being harassed but also celebrated the true spirit of those who fought all odds to become successful in spite of being disable. One such person was Sai Prasad from Hyderabad. He works with Infosys and has a spinal cord deformity. Post facing a harrowing time getting into schools and colleges, Prasad is now living a comfortable life. Talking about his hardships, the guy said that the country has no proper reforms for people like him. They can’t live a normal life because of it. Aamir also talked to a visually challenged Krishnakant Mane that people with anomalies should be given equal opportunity to be pitted against fortunate people. That will build confidence in them. But this is impossible here unless people stop considering them as extraterrestrials. Apart from that, Aamir also talked to people like Nisha with a skin disorder who is spat on by many people and a fitness freak who found it difficult to work out in a gym due to his physical discrepancy.
Aamir also brought to everyone’s notice the kind of blind faiths people have regarding a handicapped person. Many associated the deformities with the persons’ past deeds and sins. Aamir points out if that had been the case, India would have not been declared a polio free country recently.